Weickert Industries Inc.

Damper Services for Your Ventilation System

The damper is an essential component of every ventilation system, and even one faulty damper could have you paying very high energy costs. Weickert Industries can repair your dampers or replace them with better ones, whether it's a handful of dampers, or multiple floors.

Allow our team to provide you with a complimentary full building damper survey to determine the costs and requirements of replacing or updating your ventilation system dampers.

Weickert Industries also specializes in maintaining existing damper systems with pneumatic actuators.

Redesigned Dampers for Improved Air Flow

Working with damper manufacturers and engineers, our staff has participated in creating new damper designs for the buildings located in New York City. By collaborating with them, we have succeeded in producing longer lasting dampers that provide optimal air flow and efficiency for your systems.

Reliable Services to Increase Energy Efficiency

  • Full turnkey damper system replacements
  • Free full building damper surveys
  • Damper condition testing
  • Utilities cost savings analysis
  • ROI calculations

A Drastic Increase in Energy Efficiency

Refurbishing your old systems will not only provide a cleaner source of air ventilation, but also save you a significant amount of money in energy costs. An outdated damper system can leak as much as 25% of the air it's supposed to contain, and amount to as much as 50% more spending on energy costs year over year.

Weickert Industries Inc.